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This part of the survey uses a table of questions, 

1.1. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

Please don't select more than 1 answer(s) per row.

Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
I believe patients should be screened for their alcohol consumption in urgent and emergency care settings
I believe that urgent and emergency care settings are suitable places to deliver brief interventions for alcohol prevention
I believe that brief advice from a healthcare professional can help patients to reduce their drinking and/or seek help with their drinking
I believe some patients should be referred for treatment for their alcohol consumption in urgent and emergency care settings
I have the knowledge to screen my patients for alcohol consumption
I know what tools to use to screen my patients for alcohol consumption
I feel confident I can screen my patients for alcohol consumption
I have the knowledge to give brief advice to my patients about reducing their alcohol consumption
I feel confident that I can give brief advice to my patients about reducing their alcohol consumption
I have the skills to give brief advice about alcohol with my patients
I intend to increase the number of patients I screen for alcohol consumption
I intend to increase the number of patients I give brief advice to about their alcohol consumption
2.2. How helpful has the resource been for learning this subject? Required
4.4. Were you using this RLO to learn/support learning as a: Required
5.5. How did you find out about this resource? Required
6.6. Did you experience any of these problems in using this resource?
7.7. Would you recommend it to others? Required

If you would be willing to give more feedback on this resource, please fill in your details below:

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